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This group healing program will run for 6 Saturdays, from 10am to 12pm. All classes are LIVE on Zoom. Next course will start in January 2023.

“The cry we hear from deep in our hearts, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain is the key to transforming anger, sadness and fear.” -Thich Nhat Hanh.

In each of us, there is our child version.

Our inner child is the representation of ourselves in early years and most often is a suffering child. We have all had times of difficulty as children: some of us have experienced trauma, neglect, emotional pain… a suffering that we try to hide away, keeping those memories deep down in our unconscious mind.
Most of the times we don’t face this child for many decades and keep her in the dark.

But just because we have ignored the child doesn’t mean she/he/they isn’t there. This hurt child is there, trying to get our attention and be loved. That’s all the child wants, to be taken cared for and to be loved.

In addition to this, the inner child wounds appear in many cases as a result of an unbalanced relationship with the mother and the father, that have left limiting and hurtful patterns which perpetuate into the adult life. Being able to heal how the adult you relates to the parent figures and the situations experienced will allow the your inner child to strengthen the self-esteem, self-love and confidence, hence you will as well!

“In my soul, I am still that small child who did not care about anything else but the beautiful colours of a rainbow.” – Papiya Ghosh

In this 6-week live and group program, Healing the Inner Child we start healing by:

  • Acknowledging the child’s presence. Think of it as a beautiful process of self-discovery: accept that the younger you is there, within you, and be open to being the guest into the light; by doing this you will start to understand their impact.
  • Discovering the core wounds the child has that need to be cared for and healed.
  • Identify your emotional body through astrology archetypes.
  • Learn the wounds of your inner child through your Fire, Earth, Air or Water moon.
  • Integration of your inner child through the moon phases.
  • Learn about the inherited obligations, challenges and fears for your inner child, represented by Saturn on your birth chart.
  • In this healing journey we will take steps to start healing these relationships, specially how we perceive and relate to the mother and father.
  • Develop your own abilities to give your inner child what she/he needs by mothering and fathering yourself.
  • We’ll explore the womb memories and heal ancestral patterns to strenghten your presence and grounding in this magical experience called LIFE.
  • Step into your soul/life path from an empowered place.
  • This course includes: 1 video recording with the astrology analysis of your placements for the moon, saturn and chiron, providing clear recommendations to heal theses wounds + 1 private Soul Healing Session with Laura to work on something you identified as a need to heal.

This is an online, live course on Zoom that will start in September 24th, 2o22.

The Investment

The regular cost is CAD$499 but for this week only until Saturday 17th, there’s CAD$50 off discount for a total of $449, in one full payment or  $249.50 with two installments . 

Do you have any doubts or questions? Contact me at